Monday, January 8, 2007

Living Dream

Just caught Vanilla Sky with Yellow. Well well, laugh all you want. I know I am slow.

Like the show and the concept about Lucid Dream.Have you ever experience this before? You know you are dreaming when you are doing it. In big words, that LD. And lucid itself means you have a clear and full consciousness. People lucid dream for various reasons, for fun, to overcome fear or even to gain knowledge(LD to read a 1million words per min).

As for me, I do that as well. I dont exactly know it was called LD til that conversation with Tao. But anyway, Living Dream(I prefer to call it this way) is like therapy to me. Mom always part of it, we chat alot, catching up, she is as pretty as ever.It all seems so REAL. Trust me. However, I dont have full control of my dreams. Wish its longer, or even forever. Mummy, I love you always.

Guys, go watch it. Or better, the Spanish version Abre Los Ojos(BTW ALO means open your eyes). Also starring Penelope Cruz.

Err.. Lady here have not caught that k.You should know what to do. Do read up about LD if you get the chance. Quite interesting. Good starting point .

Nice Wk ahead. No Monday Blues :)

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