One of the MUST SEE in WA. If you wonder what they are. Pinnacles are lime formation (mainly from seashells).On and on.. But yeah, I know.. You are like me. Just wanna take some nice pictures right? Here is it!
Throughout the trip, we been treated well. Most people assumed we are still little kiddos. Hence offers: helping us with photo taking been coming. This is one of those.
I realised I been getting into weird positions to take photo. But still, not that I took alot of nice photos leh. My skills sucks :(
Cheryl is definitely a better photographer.
Next Sand dunes 4WD. One of my fav in the trip. Given seats wif good view. Err.. Guessed he thought we looked like excited kiddos.
MUST TRY in Perth ok!
That Glenn. The Driver of that massive machine. He rocks!
One of the nicest sunset I have seen.
Cheryl quite good wif her camera hor.
Sand boarding. I lovin and missin it now!
During my last ride, Crazy Glenn kept urging me to do the stand-up version. I told him : I will if its my last day. To think of it, even if it is, I wouldn't have the guts. Miss Timid.
Nice last ride.