Lunch @ ECP was the perfect way to usher the weekend. I learnt that I should B' Wild & Give Love (",) And, I did the " How Well Do You Know Your Pet?" quiz. Haha. Makes me wonder. Does anyone really know who I am?
1. My all time favourite breakfast is
a. Wanton noodles n soya milk
b. Killney bee hoon n ice kopi o
c. Roti prata n tea tarik
d. Toast n latte
2. When I am pissed with someone, I will
a. Not talk to her
b. Not look her in the eyes
c. Pretend that nothing has happened
d. Go up to her and tell her off
3. My dream honeymoon
a. Greece
b. South Africa
c. Caribbean
d. France
4. My top language of love is
a. Acts of services
b. Quality time
c. Words of affirmation
d. Receiving Gift
5. What I want to achieve before I am 30
a. My first million
b. Take a picture with Gigi Leung
c. Get married
d. Classified as successful in career terms.
6. What I care most.
a. How I look
b. If my parents are proud of me
c. If my other half is happy
d. How financially stable I am
Let me know your ans bah. Top prize is. A travel trip. N its the honour k.