Friday, January 10, 2014


While Yellow is in town, we spend some of the nights catching up with 爸爸去哪儿. Its reality show about throwing Kid and Dad(w/o the Mum) into foreign locations, seeing how they bond. The nicest thing is to see how the kids trust people and view things. They lived in a beautiful world. And it reminds me of my childhood. Yellow commented that Ange bears a striking resemblance to me. Actually, it is true, and not only in terms of appearance, but characters too. 
Similarities included. Some behavior attitudes we have in group setting. Our devotion to food. I.e in the show, the Dads need to take part in competitions. At most of these competitions, Ange seems to be living in her own world, not bothered. But theres once, dinner ingrediants are at stake, she told her dad "爸爸, 你一定要赢!"Haha it was cute.. Also, both of us need to concentrate when we are eating. Like, what I hate; is to eat while walking. Anyway, go watch the show.. Great way to burn a couple of hours away. 
Wanted to search for some photos, but most of them are in SIN. Above, taken with LJ.