Sunday, December 27, 2015

I moved on...

According to records, precisely. SHA to SZ was 11 Jan. SZ to HK 16 April. Now, I am packing again. 8 months in Mori Mori, estimated to be 10 boxes.. Hopefully, the next move won't be till 2years later. Unless, it is SGD, for that, I am willing to do, anytime.

On the bright side, this move is better than previous 2. Yellow is on leave, I am finally not alone. Number 1 is the loneliest number. It's great to know you are not the only "1".

Can't wait for you to be in HK. I wanna bring you to cat eye curry. Let's see when that is.. Spring ends in April..

Above. My fav Xmas decoration; Landmark.

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