Monday, June 22, 2015

Soon to be. Not mine. Cami.

Cami looks happy and friendly when I stepped into PQ's place this morning. First thing that came to my mind was: shit, why do I need to be the bad guy today. Why medical check up is today. Plus, the rain showers came at exactly when it should be. I am all drenched. Cami is not, btw.

I feel so bad for what I put her thro in the last 6months.
Jan: Shanghai Pet Hotel
Feb to March: Shenzhen
April till now: Hongkong PQ place

Not to mention. Numerous visits to vet and groomer. Rabies injections, blood test etc. I really hate myself this moment. Where's the promise of free flow food and loads of hugs and love. Liar liar~~

The clock is ticking... Super sianz. But thanks for the kind souls for loving Cami.

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