Friday, August 5, 2016

25. 35. 45. Becoming.

YJ asked me. Have I thought about, what I will be. 10 years from now. I didn't have a direct answer for her. But makes me reflect. The 25 years old me, will I be happy of what I became today?

Anyway. I like her answer. She lives for tomorrow. 10 years. Is too far and uncertain to predict. But if theres be one day, she gets sick of herself and job etc. Shes be ready to quit, shed 15kg, totally new bod and be a chef or coach. Dont ask me why, but I believe shes capable of that.

Me. What I will be. 10 years from now. More importantly. What I would want to be. And sometimes, the best way to find out. Is to look at your friends n families. 45 years old. Which of thoses versions. Are you happy to be in.

Good night ! BOTERRO exhibition HK. Pretty amazing outdoor festival. Summer days ;)