Tuesday, January 5, 2016

You are the sun.

Officially a new year. Let it be a fresh start of sorts. S was telling me, how I should be my own Sun! I am not disagreeing with her, but, for now,I just want to go with the flow. Anyway, our place is all done. Hired help from Paul The Mover, more about that laters.

The missing TV. I was telling Yellow, we should try living without a TV. Well. No success there, we ended up getting a 50 inches. I hope I be able to bring it back to SIN when time comes.

These couple of days. I spent it domestically. Cooking congee. Scrubbing pans. I like mine to be the hybrid of "jook" and teochew porridge. Slightly sticky, yet you can have the texture of the grains. Usually, you will need to mix short and mid grains. Short for the starchy and mid for the grainy texture..

We are starting to explore the restaurants down at Fashion Walk. EAT.it is a disappointment. Elephant grounds; you can't really go wrong isn't. I ordered a Salted Carmel coffee. Happy with my order. Although, the specialty is French Vanilla. Didn't want to try that. On my next visit, I would try bulletproof. There's butter in it. Reminded me of kopitam version in SGD. Looking forward to EG version.

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