Friday, October 26, 2018

Week 12~let the sleep training begins~

Apparently. Bb are incapable of linking their sleep cycles(30 45mins each). So, LEARN!

At first, I tried crying it out method. Letting S cry for 15 20 mins before resettling her. I am telling you, it's as tough a process for her as well as me. Seeing her cry, makes me unwell. I feel like puking on several occasions.

Then, I read about ferber method; progressive watching. Letting bb cry for 5 mins, go in pat for 2mins. Repeat till she's asleep. Next day, 7mins so on.. This works well for S. After first 2 rounds, I come in pat n go. She knows theres no hope, she starts to depend on herself. Self settle and sleep.

Teaches me;
Kept exploring methods till u find something that suits you

Dont give up half way, I.e after the first method. Then, S cried for nothing. All wasted.

Always let her be independent.  Yet have a sssshhh safety net for her ;)

Lastly. I love her. More than I know.

Tgif. Muackz