Saturday, November 17, 2018

KAWS BFF N sometimes I wish it isn't weekend!

A piece of good news. At last. The blue BFF is mine. The part about buying for Sophie. Is nothing but an excuse.

Part II. Sometimes I wished it's not weekend!

Waking up at 9am to bath Sophie. A slop job. One which I have to wake him up thrice for. Is it worth it? Fell back to sleep till 3pm when it's time for stroll. When asked if you wanna carry Sophie. 如果你不要,我背咯。我没有想背啦。I have no wish to continue the conversation as though Sophie is a liability.  Buckle up and let's go!

I wish its wasn't weekend.. if all you have taken. Is the space on the already so cramped double bed. Deprived me of breastfeeding space, and Sophie for playtime and tummy space.

Period. Good night.