Wednesday, November 14, 2018

You are my Sophie Bear~

Its 1020pm now. I found myself watching Sophie's video repeatedly. Can't help but to miss her.

Strangely enough. I love the small things I do daily. Playing with her, breastfeeding her. Simply holding her hands, kissing and talking to her, watching her smile. Is an enjoyment to me. Priceless ;) Shall keep reminding myself to cherish these moments.

Dont get carried away and frustrated by some feeding sessions; when she wasn't feeding well or puking. I get irritated. Have to remind myself to stop feeling this way and/or acting out.

These 2 weeks. We are hearing her giggles. You are a joy to Mummy, Sophie. Perfect and mummy won't want to change a thing of you(not even your double chin).

Love you to the moon and back.