Monday, February 10, 2014


HK. 10 degress. Showers. I like an email a day. Grounded. Looks forward.

她很美。 她的爱很美. Truth is, I don't think I truly experienced it before? Promises maybe. But in the end, it turned to be empty, plenty. To me, only my mum's love to me is unconditional, its sacrificial love. Loving someone, can be a happy tin to do. However, one directional cant be all happy. Comes a pivot point, it flips side. Cant fault too. I don't know why I penned this down. Its none of my business. Aha.

Was telling Yellow about great plan that Sugars had for me. Yellow's first reaction was; what is it about. Whereas mine was: I am not keen! This tells a lot. Lessons. Are paid and learnt. 见鬼怕黑.

Friends. Its about sharing. Sharing the happy. And also the unhappy. Both ways. Somehow, I felt this is lacking. In all a llll conversations.. Could be my fault too. I am drained. In the end, I don't know what you did? Dance? Drawing? A song? Curious I am. Sometimes, theres nothing much you can do to help, but showing care, a little something. Makes 1 stronger.

Anyway, I just hope my shit ends. This minute. Sian. Sian. I am in need of a cheer leader!!!! Counting down to V day. Back from drinks. Straight to bed. Naise. Sleep.

What friends are for. Tai O, 9 degrees.