Monday, January 5, 2015

Glued on TV today

M asking me. How's new year been. My ans is Fan Bing Bing new drama. Maybe Yellow is looking at the cleavage. But I am on something else.

李世民 or 李治。Father and son. 李世民,睿智。英勇。能送你一庄花苑,一道彩虹。very charming, very capable. But problem is. He loves you and make you happy. You can't own him, not exclusively yours. 李治。on the other hand, cheeky young. 帅。Indecisive, 难成大事。 But he only loves you, exclusively yours.


心动。心痛。Pretty surprised about the way it hurts. 我是歌手III. Kit Chan, jiayou!!

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