Monday, January 6, 2014

Bad Communicator 2.0

Wasn't news that I am one. But I was told off by 2 different friends; that I got to improve. Case 1. Was planning baddy with P. She told me to get shuttles(in a nice way, of course). My ans was no, I don't think so. Ending with then lets cancel. Biz ttyl. Is this harsh? 
Case 2. Was chatting with C about going Chiang Mai together. She said good that we can share room and save on accomd. My ans was don't want. We are not that close. Which is true, no? She didn't utter a word for whole afternoon. Glad that both P and C feed backed to me. Point taken, gals.  

Funny thing is. When I told Yellow about it, his ans is: ok what, nothing wrong with the way I put it. Interesting interesting..

Anyway, thanks God I still have friends. And thanks you for being my friend.